Year: 2023Make: ClaasType: CombineModel #: 8600Serial #: C8910135Stock #: N15272Adv. Price: 714000Currency: CADCondition: Used (/10)Posted: 1 year AgoViews: 665Base EquipmentLocation: Swift CurrentCEMOS AUTOMATIC - AUTO SEPARATIONCEMOS AUTOMATIC - AUTO CLEANINGCEMOS AUTOMATIC - AUTO CROP FLOWCEMOS AUTOMATIC - CRUISE PILOTFront attachment...
Year: 2020Make: ClaasType: CombineModel #: 8600Serial #: C8900072Stock #: N13053Adv. Price: 550000Currency: CADCondition: Used (/10)Posted: 2 months AgoViews: 143Base EquipmentPro ChopProfi Cam with DisplayPremium Cab with Leather SeatAuto GreaserPremium LightsFeeder Chain29' AugerOutBack GPS...
Year: 2020Make: ClaasType: CombineModel #: 8600Serial #: C8900071Stock #: N13051Adv. Price: 550000Currency: CADCondition: Used (/10)Posted: 2 months AgoViews: 99Base EquipmentPro ChopProfi Cam with DisplayPremium Cab with Leather SeatAuto GreaserPremium LightsFeeder Chain29' AugerOutBack GPS...